chapter 2 polynomial class 10 cbse
CHAPTER - 2 (Polynomials)
A polynomial is an expression consists of
constants, variables and exponents. It’s mathematical form is-
anxn + an-1xn-1 + an-2xn-2 + a2x2 + a1x + a0 = 0
where the (ai)’s are constant
Degree of
The highest power of x in polynomial p(x)
is called the degree of the polynomial p(x).

Note: Exponents of variables of a polynomial .i.e. degree of polynomials should be whole numbers.
- In Algebra "Degree" is sometimes called "Order"
- The Degree (for a polynomial with one variable, like x) is:
the largest exponent of that variable.
More Examples:
4x | The Degree is 1 (a variable without an exponent actually has an exponent of 1) |
4x3 − x + 3 | The Degree is 3 (largest exponent of x) | |
x2 + 2x5 − x | The Degree is 5 (largest exponent of x) | |
z2 − z + 3 | The Degree is 2 (largest exponent of z) |
Types of
Polynomial according to their Degrees
of polynomial
= a
= ax + b
= ax2 + ax + b
= ax3 + ax2 + ax + b
P(x) = ax4 + ax3 + ax2 + ax + b
Value of Polynomial
Let p(y) is a polynomial in y and α could be any real number, then the value calculated
after putting the value y = α in p(y) is the
final value of p(y) at y = α. This shows
that p(y) at y = α is represented by p (α).
Let's check:
The Degree of a Polynomial with one variable is ...
When we know the degree we can also give the polynomial a name:
Solving Polynomials
A polynomial looks like this:example of a polynomial |
"Solving" means finding the "roots" ...
... a "root" (or "zero") is where the function is equal to zero:
In between the roots the function is either entirely above,
or entirely below, the x-axis
or entirely below, the x-axis
Example: −2 and 2 are the roots of the function x2 − 4
- when x = −2, then x2 − 4 = (−2)2 − 4 = 4 − 4 = 0
- when x = 2, then x2 − 4 = 22 − 4 = 4 − 4 = 0
How do we solve polynomials? That depends on the Degree!
The first step in solving a polynomial is to find its degree.The Degree of a Polynomial with one variable is ...
... the largest exponent of that variable.
Zero of a Polynomial
If the value of p(y) at y =
k is 0, that is p (k) = 0 then y = k
will be the zero of that polynomial p(y).
Geometrical meaning of the Zeroes of a Polynomial
Zeroes of the polynomials are the x coordinates of the
point where the graph of that polynomial intersects the x-axis.
of a Linear Polynomial
Graph of a linear polynomial is a straight line which
intersects the x-axis at one point only, so a linear polynomial has 1 degree.
Use Algebra to solve:
Example: 2x+1
2x+1 is a linear polynomial:
The graph of y = 2x+1 is a straight line
It is linear so there is one root. Use Algebra to solve:
A "root" is when y is zero: 2x+1 = 0
Subtract 1 from both sides: 2x = −1
Divide both sides by 2: x = −1/2
And that is the solution:
x = −1/2
Graph of Quadratic Polynomial
Case 1: When the graph
cuts the x-axis at the two points than these two points are the two zeroes of
that quadratic polynomial.
Case 2: When the graph
cuts the x-axis at only one point then that particular point is the zero of
that quadratic polynomial and the equation is in the form of a perfect square
Case 3: When the
graph does not intersect the x-axis at any point i.e. the graph is either
completely above the x-axis or below the x-axis then that quadratic polynomial
has no zero as it is not intersecting the x-axis at any point.
Hence the quadratic
polynomial can have either two zeroes, one zero or no zero. Or you can say that
it can have maximum two zero only
Now let us see what happens when we introduce the "a" value:
Graphing Quadratic Equations
Here is an example:Graphing
You can graph a Quadratic Equation using the Function Grapher, but to really understand what is going on, you can make the graph yourself. Read On!The Simplest Quadratic
The simplest Quadratic Equation is:
f(x) = x2
And its graph is simple too:
f(x) = ax2

- Larger values of a squash the curve inwards
- Smaller values of a expand it outwards
- And negative values of a flip it upside down
Relationship between Zeroes and Coefficients of a
Polynomials can be linear (x), quadratic (x2), cubic (x3) and so on, depending on the highest power of the variable.
The number of zeroes of a polynomial is equal to the degree of the polynomial, and there is a well-defined mathematical relationship between the zeroes and the coefficients. Mathematically, if p(x) is a polynomial in x, and if k is any real number, then the value obtained by replacing x by k in p(x) is called the value of p(x) at x = k and is denoted by p(k).
Here, the real number k is said to be a zero of the polynomial of p(x), if p(k) = 0.
Simply put, the zeroes of a polynomial function are the solutions to the equation you get, when you set the polynomial equal to zero.
Let us understand the difference between zeros and roots in a polynomial equation.
The number of zeroes of a polynomial is equal to the degree of the
polynomial, and there is a well-defined mathematical relationship
between the zeroes and the coefficients.
The general form of a linear polynomial is p(x) = ax+b, its zero is
The number of zeroes of a polynomial is equal to the degree of the polynomial, and there is a well-defined mathematical relationship between the zeroes and the coefficients. Mathematically, if p(x) is a polynomial in x, and if k is any real number, then the value obtained by replacing x by k in p(x) is called the value of p(x) at x = k and is denoted by p(k).
Here, the real number k is said to be a zero of the polynomial of p(x), if p(k) = 0.
Simply put, the zeroes of a polynomial function are the solutions to the equation you get, when you set the polynomial equal to zero.
Let us understand the difference between zeros and roots in a polynomial equation.
- A zero is a value for which a polynomial is equal to zero.
- When you set a polynomial equal to zero, then you have a polynomial equation where the equations roots are same as the polynomial’s zeroes.
- A root is a value for which a polynomial equation is true.
- Example: The polynomial x-5 has one zero, that is x = 5. And the polynomial equation x-5 = 0 has one root, that is, x = 5.
Linear Polynomial
Any equation of the first degree is known as a linear equation. It is an equation of the form ax+b = 0, where and b are constants and x is a variable.The general form of a linear polynomial is p(x) = ax+b, its zero is
Quadratic Polynomial
General form of a quadratic polynomial is ax2 + bx + c where a ≠ 0. There are two zeroes, sayand of a quadratic polynomial, where
- Sum of the roots =
If p(x) and
g(x) are any two polynomials with g(x) ≠ 0, then we can find polynomials q(x)
and r(x) such that
P(x) = g(x) × q(x) + r(x),
r(x) = 0 or degree of r(x) < degrdee of g(x).
by shikha kaushal